Saturday, February 12, 2005

Buenos Aires ATP Tenis Tournament

My first blog entry how exciting! So, yesterday (Friday Feb 11th) Kathy, Roberto, and I went to the ATP Bs. As. Tennis tournament. It was a fun experience, kind of like a miniature u.s. open. The people here really enjoy and appreciate tennis – and I can relate :-) there were many retail vendors like Wilson, sony, hbo, etc… we bought some cool t-shirts “La ciudad se cubre de polvo” literally the city covered in clay (clay is the surface they play tennis on down here). Most of the vendors had some cute girls handing out fliers and Kathy really enjoyed that part ;-)! Finally we went to watch some tennis. The 1st match was btwn 2 spaniards and was very competitive Kathy picked out the cuter of the 2 players and we decided to root for him (and he won!) the match lasted awhile and the crowd was very polite. The next match was btwn 2 much more well known players Carlos Moya (spain) and Mariano Puerta (Arg) – moya was the favorite but puerta being from argentina inspired the crowd to go nuts. Kind of like rich people at a soccer game. Chants, songs, signs, etc… - we will discuss ‘la cultura de futbol’ in another post (season starts tomorrow) - Puerta played great and the crowd went home happy… all in all a very enjoyable sports experience.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger Jerome said...

I was wondering when you'd start pulling your weight (and start blogging) :)


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