Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Beautiful Florianopolis

Florianopolis – Brasil!!! Well, we just returned from 4 days on the island of Florianopolis (floripa) in the southern part of Brasil. This was our first return to brasil since we have been down here, and we wanted to try somewhere new. Floripa is an island that is home to about 42 beaches (or so!) and as you can imagine life revolves around the beach. There are surfing beaches, busy (many vendors) beaches, empty, isolated beaches, etc… We stayed at the Praia Mole beach, a surfing beach on the eastern end of the island. The first day the weather was kind of rainy but you could still get a sense of the natural beauty of the place – much like Rio the place has that juxtaposition of mountains and beach that create such scenic views. We immediately took advantage of things you can get in brasil that are harder to come by in arg., such as shrimp and exotic fruit juices… We quickly realized that to fully explore the different beaches and areas of the island we would need to rent a car… this allowed us to visit over the next few days different beaches, beaches where they sell everything – Praia Ingleses - (caiprinhas, draft beer, blankets, grilled cheese, its truly a spectacle to be seen). I got a chance to practice my surfing, always fun and humbling at the same time, parts of the island really have that surfer town feel, people walking in the street with their boards, lots of surf shops etc… The people. Well, really the people we have encountered in brasil are so warm, and friendly, smiling all the time, just enjoying life. Might it be the sun? perhaps, or perhaps its because the girls are wearing the skimpiest bikinis legally allowed! Definitely lots of great looking people on these beaches, and pretty much all in good shape. Kathy really enjoyed watching the lifeguards do their morning stretching!


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