In front of the Apt Building on Oro
Boca Jr TURF!
La Boa
Colorful La Boca
In La Boca
Sunday Brunch at Olsen's
Mom and April in the Plaza Italia Subte (Subway) station
Out to dinner at Sucre with Fernando
Coffee and Ice Cream at Munchi's
Puerto Madero
In front of the Casa Rosada
Along the River in Tigre
Buttered Corn profiling in front of Plaza de Mayo
Casa Rosada
In front of the Casa Rosada
Arriving in Tigre
Near the Obelisk in front of protestors preparing to march to La Casa Rosada
Dad and April
Night on the town
Tea at El Ultimo Beso
Roberto at tea with the family
Strolling the the Botanical Gardens
At the Botanical Gardens