A long overdue Wrap-up
Well its been tough to write this. Seth and I had such an amazing time in Buenos Aires, it was hard coming back to the reality of being back in NY. Although we have wonderful friends here, I don't think that we have ever felt like we connected with people so fast. The friends we made in Argentina are people who we feel that we will maintain a life long connection. One thing is certain, Buenos Aires will have a special place in our memories and our hearts for the rest of our lives.We continue to keep in contact via email with our friends down there. In some ways it is sad because the very thing that makes Argentina affordable (the 3:1 exchange rate) is the very reason why most of our friends won't be coming to North America in the near future. Even with having a place to stay in NY, the flights and cost of living here is just too high. Seth and I have intentions of returning with in the next 2 years... who knows, maybe even for a few months like we did this time around.
For those of you that read this site and have continued to support it throughout the months, Seth and I hope that you enjoyed the information as much as we enjoyed writing it. And if any of you are planning and trips to Buenos Aires, please don't hesitate to drop us a line with any questions you may have.